diumenge, 26 de febrer del 2017


Here you have some exercises to understand the simple present. Do some of them and learn about verbs and actions in our life.

Simple Present execises

Let's listen an actions song

diumenge, 8 de gener del 2017

dilluns, 17 d’octubre del 2016

Let's work with pronouns and adjectives!!!

Do you want to study? Here you have lots and lots of activities to practice the pronouns and the possessive adjectives. Remember that we are working the subject, the object and the possessive. You can do it!  :) 

Work with some of these exercises:

dissabte, 30 d’abril del 2016


Recorda que el Simple Present es fa servir quan parlem d'una acció que fem normalment, que tenim costum de fer: els dilluns vaig a futbol, cada matí em llevo a les set, menjo torrades amb tomata per esmorzar o vaig a l'escola amb bicicleta.

Tingues en compte que "ell, ella, una cosa o un animal" porta -s al verb. 

Practica fent aquests exercicis. Endavant!!!

Simple present exercises!!

dimecres, 24 de febrer del 2016

Dear friend,

My name is Dolors and my family name is Juncà. I am 
thirty-nine years old. 

I live in Salt, in Catalunya. Salt is a town at the north of our 
country. There are lots of things in Salt; a forest, a mall, a 
small theatre, supermarkets and… me!

I live with my family in the center of the town. With my 
husband Javier and my son Pau.

I am short but strong. My hair is brown and curly. My eyes 
are brown, too. I have big lips and small eyes. My 
favourite colours are black and pink.I don’t like red or 

I like reading and dancing. I dance Zumba every Tuesday 
and I have good time with my friends at the gym. My 
favourite food is salad; I eat salad every day. I also like 
chocolate, but I can’t eat it every day.

And what about you? Let me know things, please!!!

Write soon,