dimarts, 12 de novembre del 2013


"Strange teacher"
Solve the problems that this teacher has for you. Are you ready?


"Numbers list"
This is not a game. It's a list of numbers. 
Can you check, please?

Here you have the list

"Numbers game"
What about your Maths?



"Test your memory"
Do this memory game. Put together the name of the sport with the picture.

Let's play!!! Test your memory!!!

"Vocabulary Quiz"
Answer the questions about sports.

dilluns, 11 de novembre del 2013


If you want to watch the story again, here you have the link! (Click on the red letters)

divendres, 8 de novembre del 2013


"Dress the Teddy"
Can you put on the clothes to the teddy? 

Dress the Teddy!!!

"Make a memory game"
Can you match the picture with the name? Will you be able?

Put together the name and the picture!!!

"Do you remember the names?"
In this activity you have to choose the name of the cloth. It's easy!

"Can you colour the school material?"
In this activity you have to use the paint to colour a school.

Colour a nice class!

"Do you like songs?"
Here you have a very beautiful song about a teacher in school.


dijous, 7 de novembre del 2013



"Sushi Spell" 
In this game you have to build up words. It's quite difficult.  

dimecres, 30 d’octubre del 2013


At school we like to do Picasso Dictation. It is colouring a picture according to what the teacher says; the teacher or the auxiliar explains the colours the children have to use and everybody has to do what she says. Sometimes we use crazy colours, sometimes we use real colours... it is a nice activity!

Today in Year Four we have done a Halloween Picasso Dictation. It has been really funny.

A l'escola ens agrada fer Picasso Dictation. Això és pintar un dibuix seguint les indicacions de la mestra; la mestra o l'auxiliar explica els colors que la mainada han de fer servir i tothom fa el que ella diu. A vegades fem servir colors estranys, a vegades fem servir colors reals... És una activitat molt maca!

Avui a Quart hem fet un Picasso Dictation sobre Halloween. Ha sigut molt divertit.

diumenge, 20 d’octubre del 2013

Year 5 free questions

Children in  Year 5 think and make questions to their friends. Despite they are nervous, they are very good!

Els nens de cinquè curs pensen i fan preguntes als seus amics. Malgrat que estan nerviosos, són molt bons!!!

dijous, 17 d’octubre del 2013

It's Autumn!!!

Children in Cicle Inicial, Year 1 and Year 2, have done some very nice posters about Autumn.

We have worked the colours and we have learned some words about Autumn.

We are smart!!!                

Els nens de Cicle Inicial, de Primer i Segon, hem fet uns murals molt bonics sobre la tardor.

Hem treballat amb els seus colors i hem après a dir algunes paraules sobre la tardor en anglès.

Som molt llestos!!!

dimecres, 2 d’octubre del 2013


This week we have started the after school conversation lessons. 
Our assistant Charlotte helped by the English teachers in the school works one hour with the children. They play, sing, dance, talk, listen... they do lots of activities to improve their English. 
More than fifty pupils in our school will attend these lessons and will get better and better in oral language. Have fun and learn a lot!!!

 Aquesta setmana hem començat les classes de conversa després de l'escola. 
La nostra assistent de conversa, la Charlotte, ajudada per les mestres d'anglès treballa una hora amb la mainada. 
Juguen, canten, ballen, parlen, escolten... fan moltes activitats per millorar el seu anglès.  
Més de cinquanta nens de l'escola assistiran a aquestes classes i milloraran més i més el seu llenguatge oral. Que us ho passeu bé i aprengueu molt!!! 

diumenge, 29 de setembre del 2013


English is very important. Did you know? That's why five teachers in the school are learning it. They are studying every day and doing activities like you do.

They say:

"For me the most difficult part is grammar. I have to built nice sentences"
"When I don't know a word, I look it up in the dictionary and I write it down. Learning new words is not easy at all"
"I work about one hour every day after dinner. I need to work to improve my English!"

Can you see? We study a lot. Do you study too?


L'anglès és molt important. Ho sabies? És per aquest motiu que cinc mestres de l'escola l'estan aprenent. Estudien cada dia i fan activitats com tu.

Elles diuen:

"Per mi la part més difícil és la gramàtica. He de fer frases boniques"
"Quan no sé una paraula, la busco al diccionari i l'escric. Aprendre paraules no és gens fàcil."
"Jo treballo aproximadament una hora cada dia després de sopar. Necessito millorar el meu anglès!"

Ho veus? Nosaltres estudiem molt. Tu també estudies?