At school we like to do Picasso Dictation. It is colouring a picture according to what the teacher says; the teacher or the auxiliar explains the colours the children have to use and everybody has to do what she says. Sometimes we use crazy colours, sometimes we use real colours... it is a nice activity!
Today in Year Four we have done a Halloween Picasso Dictation. It has been really funny.
A l'escola ens agrada fer Picasso Dictation. Això és pintar un dibuix seguint les indicacions de la mestra; la mestra o l'auxiliar explica els colors que la mainada han de fer servir i tothom fa el que ella diu. A vegades fem servir colors estranys, a vegades fem servir colors reals... És una activitat molt maca!
Avui a Quart hem fet un Picasso Dictation sobre Halloween. Ha sigut molt divertit.
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